I Fail to Understand and Seek to Understand

I Fail to Understand
When I’m asked to be patriotic because my government wants to steal and kill,
I fail to understand.
When everyone grabs everything they can, to control others,
I fail to understand.
When a man tries to convince me that the other is bad because he condemns his wrongs,
I fail to understand.
When governments steal so much from us through taxes,
Because they want to finance their murderous missions,
I fail to understand.
When we infest the minds of little ones with hatred towards others, and a love for war,
I fail to understand.
And I ask, do we really love ourselves?
I find it hard to love myself,
When I hate the other.

Seek to Understand
If you don’t understand you hate,
If you don’t understand you judge
If you don’t understand you criticize
If you don’t understand you curse
If you don’t understand you never forgive
If you don’t understand you hurt
If you don’t understand you fear

But if you understand you love
If you understand you teach
If you understand you learn
If you understand you forgive
If you understand you get courage
If you understand you change
And most of all, if you understand,
You get peace of mind.

By Seguya