Network for Peace

5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DY Tel: 020 7278 3267 fax: 020 7278 0444 (shared fax, mark fao: NfP)
Email: Website:

After the demise of the National Peace Council, one of the oldest peace organisations in the UK, the Network for Peace was set up with the aim of continuing with the networking role of the NPC.

NfP continues as an organisation based network. This means most of the members will be other organisations, with NfP acting as a co-ordinating network, or an "umbrella". There are some individual members who have long supported the NPC, some of whom were former employees or NPC council members, and their continued support is greatly valued. However, there are no plans to increase the number of individual supporters. One reason is that as a network, we will not be initiating any activities as such, for if we did, we could well be duplicating work already done by a member organisation. NfP welcomes individuals wanting to join, but they could be pointed in the direction of a member organisation first. One criticism of the NPC was the feeling among some groups that NPC did duplicate some of their work, and when money is in short supply this could mean finances being rather more thinly spread.

The NfP website includes links to websites of members, news and a diary of events. A hardcopy of these details will of course be available to members not having access to electronic communication. It has often been remarked that there is a great need for a "clash avoidance" calendar. And there are many small but valuable organisations that tend to feel a little out of touch and have in the past greatly valued receiving regular mailings from NPC. In this way, all organisations will feel they have access to each other and can ensure that their news, events, petitions and the like will be given enough publicity.

An elist was set up for members and supporters to post their news, publicise their events and request information from other subscribers. The list of events from the website is regularly posted out on this list for those who don’t use the internet (or who do not have time).

An annual meeting will discuss future events and developments, elect a management group, and will have a guest speaker. The 2003 meeting featured an Iraqi exile, Mundher Adhami, and Paul Ingram from BASIC discussing the then-forthcoming war on Iraq.

A crisis response mechanism is to be initiated. The aim is to ensure that the larger NfP members who will be taking on responsibility for organising a crisis response are well prepared and can take turns at initiating a crisis response. We will of course have contacts with non-member groups who are usually involved in this sort of action.

We have a new Network for Peace leaflet which can be updated regularly, and we will produce topical leaflets (anti-war, anti "Star Wars" etc) as and when appropriate. These will be available for members to use on their stalls, events, churches, etc. as well as a useful tool for recruiting new members.

Our subscription rates depend upon the size of the organisation:

Under 50 members £27
50-499 members £35
500 - 999 members £50
1,000 - 4,999 members £100
over 5,000 members £350

What you get for your subscription fee

The chance to network with over 100 organisations varying in size and scope.
A regular news bulletin, either a bi-monthly mailing, or a regular email listing news and events.
The chance for your organisation to feature in the bulletins, and to disseminate the information you want publicised, whether by post or on our website.
The chance to know that there are many groups in the UK doing similar work, and to be inspired by them.
A focus point for enquiries such "where is my local peace group?" and "where can I get information on...?", but especially in the unfortunate event of a crisis.
The knowledge that you are helping support the work not only of Network for Peace, but also every other organisation which is currently a member.

 Important note - we want to be as inclusive as possible. We do not want any group to feel too small to matter or too financially strapped to afford membership. A small donation is better than being excluded from the network!
We do have minimal overheads, but welcome any member who can pay even a small amount! You just have to be working for a more peaceful world.